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Jul 12, 2011

Great celebration in Savoie, Michou is 70 …

First, congratulation to the organizers for the huge work made
Special gratitude to the daughters and granddaughters

The party took place at La Thuile on Saturday evening July 09, 2011 around a mechoui

Michou and his family welcoming the guests   

The remaining topics will be posted soon (waiting for pictures and video from Savoie).

 In that expectation, comments are welcome ....

Remaining topics arrived with some delay ....

The twist dance: always a successful during this kind of celebration


Very beautiful flowers bouquets coming from the surroundings fields

Salle des fetes de La Thuile: setting tables waiting for the dinner

Some favored are authorized to have dinner before everybody… thank papy Serge!

Taking the opportunity to meet some old or new friends and have a chat 

and the big famous: “ the Puygros’ boys band “  with his best success (click on the bellow link)