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Aug 3, 2011

Summer Holiday 2011

This year the holidays took place in Provence at Pont Royal from Jul 23 to Jul 30, 2011

Great place located in the south of Luberon.

We have appreciated the flavours, scenery, countryside, food, wine… and of course the good weather.

We were lucky, compare to the bad weather elsewhere in France during that period

Overview of "Le Domaine" (Holidays village)

A lot of activities based on the water

The most popular: la piscine des Rochers


A large lake for pedal boat and tranquility lovers

La Riviére Sauvage: a slide water for children
and ... adults

                              The waves poll like the ocean!


Visit of the Musee de la Lavande
(Lavender museum)

Situated in Lagarde d’Apt at 1100 m of altitude
The fine lavender essential oil is a featured product

Ptocess of distillation in a mobile still dating from 1900

The nearest city: Aix en provence

La Rotonde. The rotunda was erected in 1860. The three status represent Justice (facing Aix), Agriculture (facing Marseille) and the Arts (facing Avignon)

The old town


La place de la Mairie.

The square is dominated by the Town Hall

Clubs kids and juniors

Caraïb Pirats

Final show