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Jun 28, 2014

Birthday celebration in Savoie

Serge turned 60 and his first cousin Régine 10 less … 

a good opportunity to gather family and friends for an unforgettable celebration the 

June 21, 2014

A wonderful place for that: le Lac de la Thuile   
in Savoie, near Chambéry, with its special celebration room (salle des fêtes)

Overview of the lac de la Thuile
from the sale des fêtes


Marvelous warm weather: despite the altitude (900m) some tourists tried to take a bath  

Setting table ready for the kick-off

Waiting for all the guests, a welcoming homemade drink, has been very appreciated 

A part of Serge’s Family

And of course they received a lot a presents

Serge chose to attend the next race track Formule 1 in Monza
 Have a good trip to Italy!!

Régine preferred holidays traveling. Waiting for a postcard from Crete Island…

An improvised choral to congratulate and thank our two guests

We are all gluttonous people and no disappointed eating the birthday cake. It took a while waiting the “flame out” candles!!!

Just married???                  Birthday celebration was a fake???                                                                                                                                         Anyway everybody enjoyed and spent a fantastic day chatting, laughing, dancing, eating, drinking and even playing lawn bowling (pétanque) after lunch! 

Two days after, we took the opportunity being in the Alps mountain area, to have an excursion for a short hiking. 
Destination the Cormet de Roselend in the Beaufort area 


Permanent snows over 2000 meters


Cormet de Roselend surrounded by the mountains

 Probably the result of the recent festivity: better to be seated than hiking…

We were lucky! We could take a zoom picture of an Chamois jumping to the top of the mountain