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Dec 24, 2010

Gilbert's life as a plane pilot

 I received from a friend a photografh of a old plane I piloted a long time ago. That, gave me the idea to collect a sample of aircrafts pictures I have piloted until now. Below the result clicking on "Read more"

SLIN 236 Trainer

First plane to learn the pilot job:
the SLIN 236 Trainer

SLIN 236 Trainer

The best way to evaluate our capacity to be a pilot: some acrobatic flights with a confirmed monitor for all the students

MS 733 special colored for the training

Morane-Saulnier MS 733 aircraft to start the navigation process.
Managing a flight using a map and only a map is called:

VFR flight (Visual Flight Reglementation)

MS 733, confortable large cockpit

The complete training took place in Carcassone (South of France) for more 3 months

When the first step " private pilote graduate" was reached  the professional work started

Nord 1101 also named Noralpha or Ramier

First objective: to obtain the Nord 1101 pilote licence after a short training near Paris (Les Mureaux) and ...

Ramier fleet located in Mérignac be ready to serve as the pilot at the Test Flight Center (CEV) in Bordeaux Mérignac airport

Very nice line

Very pleasant, safe, to pilot that aircraft.
The seat cushion is the parachute!!!
 Fortunately,  I never used it ....

CE 43, FZJDH dedicated to the Bordeaux Mérignac pilots

When the life time arrived for the N 1101, a new brand  aircraft was selected by the French MOD.

A new plane generation started with the 

CE43 manufactured by the French Wassmer Company. The Guepard 
is the common name for this elegant plane

This sophisticted board panel belong to the CE43

Robin HR100, FZJPE based in Mérignac

Robin HR 100
The CE 43 alternative with a similar look and the same performances

HR 100 board panel



Max Holste MH 1521 Broussard

The wings in upper location, give a very nice visibility for the crew

The particular technology of the landing gear (spring blade) has to be take into account for the pilot to success with a great landing

Cessna C310

Cessna C310, the twin engines plane used to obtain the second step of the pilot licence named "twin engines IFR graduate" (Instrument Flight Reglementation)

The training took place near Paris in Melun-Villaroche and lasted 4 months. 

Almost the totality of the France airports has been visited in accordance with the IFR procedures 

C310 FZJBE  parked in Bordeaux Mérignac airport

 Dassault 312 Flamant 

The biggest aircraft I have ever piloted.

Medium performances,  especially in icing weather conditions, but the cabin is very spacious

Flamant "flight attitude"

Twin 3 blades propeller

Cessna 337 Push Pull

The one from the CEV
Twin engine on line (one pushing and one pulling)

Not very common in France. Only one was available at the Flight Test Center.

Very safe in case of an engine failure: performances losses, but no hazardous consequent flight attitude

 Cessna C411

The third of the family Cessna (after the C130 and the C 337) but the most adapted for the passengers transport

I loved to pilot this one 

Two of the CEV fleet

The pilot cabin and the passengers cabin are separated

Very confortable for the passengers

Morane-Saulnier MS 760 Paris

The only jet plane of this presentation

I never was captain for this plane but flew as the co-pilot 

Socata TBM 700

Designed and manufactured by Socata (south-west France Company) this last one is the most recent of the transport aircraft used by the Test Flight Center as the passengers transport.
Thanks to its turbo-prop engine, It can flight at the high level altitude, at 450 km/h (240 kt) 

And now I'm retired…

1 comment:

  1. it was very pleasant to discover this blog of a friend of mine, and specially the CEV aircrafts you flied ;
    i have some interesting pictures of CEV aircrafts and specialy C337 and C411.
    contact guy tonon;
    hear you soon.
