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Jul 13, 2013

A two days stroll to "the Marais Poitevin"

It took place July 9 &10, 2013

The ‘Marais Poitevin’

a remarkable place, is a marsh located in the Poitou area

At 970 square kilometres, the second largest marshland in France, stretches from just west of Niort in the Deux-Sèvres through the south of the Vendée and the north of the Charente-Maritime just above 
La Rochelle

The Marais is made up of natural water channels, man-made canals as well as meadows, wooded places …

The most common tree is the poplar usually planted in rows and their roots are an excellent holder for the soil of the banks

Some areas are still inaccessible by road, a paradise for the wildlife

The traditional boats used here are flat-bottomed

The best way to travel the Marais Poitevin's network of canals, rivers and waterways is canoeing or boating

We chose to have a guided boat tour (cf. video below)

Coulon village

Coulon, one of the region's most beautiful villages,
is considered the capital of the
Venise Verte (Green Venice)

The House of the Marais Poitevin is located on the banks of the river Sèvre Niortaise, in the heart of the village of Coulon

The museum reveals the secrets of the marshes

The “Maraiscope” big screen movie, lights game, sound effects, explains the main stages of the construction of this very particular territory 

Our lodging located in the town of Niort, give us the opportunity to visit the Château de Niort, a medieval castle. It is normally called today as the Donjon de Niort

The two donjons are the only remaining part of the castle consisting of two square towers, linked by a 15th century building. It dominates the Sèvre Niortaise valley.

 From the 18th century, the castle served as a prison

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